
Dr. Geomcy George – Top emerging healthcare leader who is making a difference in the lives of many

Dr. Geomcy George – Top emerging healthcare leader who is making a difference in the lives of many

Dr. Geomcy George is a Special Executive Officer and Medical Superintendent of Believers Church Medical College Hospital, who with his distinguished career as a doctor and with his administrative experiences in Healthcare has been astoundingly candid in understanding and solving complex healthcare issues. An MBA in Hospital and Healthcare Administration, Dr. Geomcy George is also an associate director of the National Resource Centre for Non-Communicable diseases (NRC-NCDs). Dr George began his career in cancer treatment after his MD in radiation oncology at Christian Medical College and Hospital- Ludhiana following which he did a fellowship in high precision Radiation techniques at…
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Dr. Aditya R. Nighhot: Indian Entrepreneur, Doctor, Screenwriter and a best selling Author

Dr. Aditya R. Nighhot: Indian Entrepreneur, Doctor, Screenwriter and a best selling Author

One of the best Romance Authors of India, Dr. Aditya R. Nighhot has been in the limelight with his books and blogs for quite a time. His books have been popular not only among the youth but have also collected praises from the critics. Entrepreneur Aditya is a successful doctor by profession, started his journey as an author to find escape from the busy schedule of his life. When he wrote his first book, he received an amazing deal from one of India’s topmost Publishing Houses. His writing was loved by the masses and then began his successful journey as…
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